Turks & Caicos has been voted the #3 top Island Destination
Readers describe these tropical islands as “exquisitely clean and unspoiled,” highlighting the “crystal blue waters” and “white powder sand.” Comb the beaches for their signature conch shells before stopping atreader favorite Jack’s Shack for a mojito.
Every year since 1988, a select sample of Condé Nast Traveler readers have taken the Readers’ Choice Survey.
The Turks and Caicos received a Readers’ Choice Rating of 84.9, based on some of the following ratings:
Beaches: 95.0
Lodging: 88.0
Activities: 87.0
As for how the ranking was achieved, questionnaires hosted on a website contained lists of candidates (individual cities, hotels, etc.), and write-ins were allowed. Only candidates that received a required minimum number of responses were deemed eligible for an award. Each candidate was rated, criterion by criterion, on a five-point scale: excellent, very good, good, fair, poor. Criterion scores, which represent the percentage of respondents rating a candidate excellent or very good, were averaged to determine the finalscore—e.g., in the category of Islands, Maui’s 89.5 is the average of its scores for Activities, Atmosphere/Ambience, Beaches, Friendliness, Lodging, Restaurants, and Scenery.
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